My handy Zachy built a coop with our neighbor Warren a few months ago. Zach designed a 3D model of it and then built it. We are really happy with the design. I have trained the chickens to go in the coop at night. I should call it bribing cause you can do a lot with chicken scrap, lol. This saves me a lot of time because I can not catch them until after dark( they can't see in the dark). If I do need to round them up Keynan can catch them fairly quick. The twins can too if they try for a bit but it is just easier to send Keynan out and catch them.
We currently have lost 4 chickens due to some neighbors up the road letting their dogs roam free. We were all really sad when our Rooster (Poker) got killed. The kids wanted to name him Pecker but I told them Poker was more appropriate if we named him. The kids came up with the hens name which is sneaks. The neighbors dog got Poker in the day time, seeing a trial of feathers of our first rooster that inspired our coop was hard for the kids. I luckily took a bunch of pictures of him the day before he got killed. Warren next door had recently got Poker's cousin Baby so Warren gave the kids Baby which is now Poker #2. Even though Poker #2 looks the same as Poker #1 they have completely different personalities. I honestly can sit and watch the chickens all day, they are so fun to watch! I love having them to eat up the bug population and of course having fresh eggs on hand. We have An Americana hen and she lays green eggs. We our now country folk and loosing animals to prey is common. I have a rifle now and the next time the dog enters my property I will have to shoot :( I can tell you there have been moments where I wanted to run back to the city. I love it though and just have to get use to the down side of this life style. Our coop has proven to hold up at night when all the raccoons, coyotes, and wild hogs are out. Now we just need to paint the coop and put a roof on it!
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