
Friday, May 13, 2011

The handy dandy chicken coop!

My handy Zachy built a coop with our neighbor Warren a few months ago. Zach designed a 3D model of it and then built it. We are really happy with the design. I have trained the chickens to go in the coop at night. I should call it bribing cause you can do a lot with chicken scrap, lol. This saves me a lot of time because I can not catch them until after dark( they can't see in the dark). If I do need to round them up Keynan can catch them fairly quick. The twins can too if they try for a bit but it is just easier to send Keynan out and catch them.

We currently have lost 4 chickens due to some neighbors up the road letting their dogs roam free. We were all really sad when our Rooster (Poker) got killed. The kids wanted to name him Pecker but I told them Poker was more appropriate if we named him. The kids came up with the hens name which is sneaks. The neighbors dog got Poker in the day time, seeing a trial of feathers of our first rooster that inspired our coop was hard for the kids. I luckily took a bunch of pictures of him the day before he got killed. Warren next door had recently got Poker's cousin Baby so Warren gave the kids Baby which is now Poker #2. Even though Poker #2 looks the same as Poker #1 they have completely different personalities. I honestly can sit and watch the chickens all day, they are so fun to watch! I love having them to eat up the bug population and of course having fresh eggs on hand. We have An Americana hen and she lays green eggs. We our now country folk and loosing animals to prey is common. I have a rifle now and the next time the dog enters my property I will have to shoot :( I can tell you there have been moments where I wanted to run back to the city. I love it though and just have to get use to the down side of this life style. Our coop has proven to hold up at night when all the raccoons, coyotes, and wild hogs are out. Now we just need to paint the coop and put a roof on it!

Ditching the Dollar

I think I am on a new record posting more then 3 posts in one week. I wanted to let friends and family know of some recent changes my family and I have made.
About 8 years ago if you would of asked me what a gold standard was I wouldn't be able to tell you. Today I can say I can, due to a well known Congressman in Texas named Ron Paul. Ron Paul has announced his run for Presidency for 2012 and my family and immediate family are super excited! With that being said I want to tell you what Dr. Ron Paul has inspired me and our family to learn. I am thrilled to use the word inspire because it is what I am trying to do with my children with their homeschooling (inspire, not require). I am fortunate I learned of Ron Paul 8 years ago and he has led me down a path to discover what free market principles are all about. Dr. Ron Paul got into Politics due to his economic interests and he discovered a book called The Road to Serfdom .
This is where my journey began with economics. I was always into history due to my Fathers interest in the Civil War. I was never really interested in economic principles or history until I read The road to serfdom. I had the most conversational time in my sophomore and junior year flunking US history x2 due to the fact that I had studied and knew what they were teaching me were lies. If only I could of shut my mouth during my teachers racial and inaccurate lectures. That was one of the lovely teachers that claimed I would never graduate High School.. To my surprise I took Us History again my 12th grade year and aced the class(for me that is big, acing a class is really not my style). I had 2 economic courses in high school and did okay but I don't feel they were teaching free market values. Now that I look back I don't think the teachers knew much about basic free market values and either did I . It reminds me of all the people on Wall Street today and of course our Fed chair Bernanke saying that there was no way to predict the economic meltdown of 2008. Well that is also another blatantly lie because Peter Schiff's books were out long before the economy crashed.. and he predicted everything!

To make a long story short my family and I have ditched the dollar. Since our savings is minimal we decided to pull all Cd's, 401k, IRA's etc out of federal reserve notes. I'm not suggesting anyone doing this, this is just what we have chosen to do. We are younger and to pull a few thousand from a 401k has minimal tax consequences.
I urge everyone to start buying physical gold and silver. Since we are on a minimal budget, now that I no longer work outside the home we buy more silver then we do gold. With the CME trading 3 times last week bringing silver down 27% in one week. We will see silver drop even further and this is when all of us in America should be buying. This is the time now to buy and buy it up as quick as you can. Be careful to not listen to some televised people. You can get ripped off heavily if you do not do your research.. DO NOT PAY MORE THEN $4.00 OVER SPOT PRICE! I suggest buying in bullion because this will holds it's value. We buy both coin and bullion. Coin will be easier to use when the next crash occurs(or when the dollar looses it's reserve currency). This could happen soon or within the next 10 years. I really feel it will happen at the end of 2012. Silver will also be your best bet when we see more inflation and then into hyper inflation by 2015.

One last thought or maybe a few.. Thou shall not steal and paper money is stealing in my opinion. I listened to this wonderful podcast the other day on one of my favorite websites
Our Country will have to make some serious changes to get us back on course. If we don't China will become the top economy in 2016. We will have to learn true principals of self reliance and saving.. I am speaking from experience because 11 months ago I had to walk away from everything I've ever worked for. I left my furniture, my piano, my cloths my car and the list goes on. I know what it is to be greedy because I was living that way. Living far above our means just because we had a good credit score. Trying to keep it all together but we eventually were forced to walk away from everything. I did not listen to Ron Paul even though I had read his books. My Husband also urged me but I persistently said that what we were thinking of doing is wrong. We were left with no choice when Zach lost his job in 2008. I continued on the road of this generation of using credit and living in a perpetual cycle of failure until finally I stopped and listened.

P.s. eventually I will learn how to make these links look more pretty,lol :)