
Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Dream!

I received a video link from my sis a few weeks ago. I was inspired so much that I thought I would share it here.  I also came across a local farm here in Bedias that grows the duck weed!!!  I am so fascinated how information flows to you when you are interested in a subject.   I was waiting for a call back from a local farmer  here and happened to start reading their biography. When the farmers mentioned they grow duck weed I got excited, because before this video I had no idea what it was!!  I was relieved to learn that most farmers this year have had a very bad year due to the drought. When you are growing pesticide free it becomes very challenging. I hope to learn more of these skills particularly organic composting in the future.  Most fertilizer you buy in the stores are made with crude oil and it is another unnecessary waste.  We planted late and with the drought our plants did not do as well as we hoped.
  I can say that this urban farming will be a new dream of ours and another goal for substantial living.  I hope as a Nation we can learn to consume less. There is no need for the chickens we eat from the stores(Tyson company and more) to never see day light or never walk in their lifetimes. We must protect our environment and protect the plants and animal life in it. If we as individuals allow this to continue it will be one of our biggest demises or it possibly already is.  I guess it will have to start with the individual. I am trying the best that I can but it is hard so I understand the mighty task at hand.  I do refuse to buy certain products and certain brand of foods.. I am learning about how to make soaps, house hold cleaners and more.  I will not contribute to the problem but will try to continue to find ways to find solutions to the many problems we face. I have a long road to go but ultimately our efforts can hopefully promote change.

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